
Smarter retail operations with AI

Leverage AI for improved product recommendations, inventory management, customer service, pricing optimization, and employee operations.
Experience AI Retail

AI and Retail

Yurts Enterprise AI streamlines retail processes, optimizes customer experiences, and automates business operations. It unifies HR, Support, Sales, Finance, Legal, and IT departments, offering a comprehensive solution for efficient operations.

Streamlined retail operations

Utilize AI-driven knowledge management to sift through large volumes of unstructured data and enable smarter decisions

Enhance customer service and engagement with user-friendly chatbot tools and personalized recommendations

Measurably improve employee performance through AI-driven workflows

Improve customer insights to optimize conversion rates, upselling and inventory management

Unified business operations

Sales: Boost customer outreach with tailored online campaigns, personalize interactions, refine e-commerce strategy, and elevate conversions.
Finance: Interpret financial data, augment financial analysis, accurate compliance reporting, policy comprehension, and time management.
HR: Streamline recruitment, boost employee engagement, and analyze performance.
IT: Streamline email drafting and adapt to accommodate future applications
Support: Expedite issue resolution, streamline communication, facilitate knowledge sharing, and propel data-driven satisfaction.
Legal: Refine efficiency in contract reviewing, copyright management, and cross-team communication.

AI-powered platform for retail operations

Product recommendations: Generate tailored product suggestions based on customer behavior and preferences.

Customer support: Improve service response time and efficiency with AI-powered helpdesk.

Pricing optimization: Utilize real-time market dynamics and customer data for strategic pricing.

Sales forecasting: Leverage historical data and current trends for informed inventory and marketing decisions.

De-risking Generative AI for Retail

Contact a representative to discover how Yurts can enhance your retail operations.

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